From an email conversation between Adam Figueira and I as we worked through the editing of “Creating Art to Please the Lord.”
I wanted to take case with a particular point in your article “Creating Art to Please the Lord” that, up until this point, I’ve been the only one to read. I’ve given quite a bit of thought to it and have especially be engaged about the comments in the second to last section “Worthiness after the Fact.” I should tell you that this comes in light of current personal preparations for an animated project.
I want to present some personal observations on the topic. It seems to me though, I cannot logically explain why, that Mark’s observations about remaining worthy after the fact are of critical importance. The more I think about it, perhaps there is a pivotal shift in how we view the purpose of art that would cause one to think of it in this way.
What is the end product? I answer: we are. Then what is this art that we create? It is a means to an end. To what end? This art that we are creating are the tools by which we are becoming Gods.
So perhaps a question like, “Does the piece of art loose its validity if the artist fails to remains worthy?” misses the mark entirely. Instead, like any tool, it is of no worth, if the soul that it helped to form it, has become darkened and lost.
God permits us to work our hands in the creation of great art– not for the sake of great art, but so that in the end, we can become like He is, a great artist! Hence worthiness, after the fact, has everything to do with art retaining its power.
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